» AutoCAD 20002 Surface Appearance » makingmoney

AutoCAD 20002 Surface Appearance

Aside from a few different colors on familiar icons, AutoCAD 2002 looks almost exactly like AutoCAD 2000i. Illustrated to the right is AutoCAD 2002 beta with some toolbars that have new features: Modify I, Dimension, Text and CAD Standards.m Also illustrated to the right is an example of more AutoCAD 2002 changes that are not listed in the "What's New in AutoCAD 2002" list: The AutoCAD 2002 Today Window. As it turns out, there are actually a lot of changes but most of them are quite subtle. Though I turn this thing off on every station I work on, the new changes to the AutoCAD 2002 Today Window include Maximize and Minimize buttons for the My Drawings and Bulletin Board panes so you can open up a message from the bulletin board in full wide-screen format. Also include with this Window is a sample HTML page with Java Scripts that can be used to design Web pages that compress automatically for the Today Window. We will probably come back and take a look at that in a future publication. If you dig into this release you will find other interesting new features that hint at things to come; things like making XML drawing files with the Wblock command. And speaking of Wblock, when is this command going to return to the menu structure?

Posted by bisnisrich, Kamis, 10 April 2008 09.48